Below you will find a sampling from the email and letters of historians, presenters, and attendees about Susheel's presentations of Pleasant.
" On O Freedom! (presentation & film): Susheel is a brilliant performer, and her tale of Mary Ellen Pleasant is a must-see! -- Life changing!"
-Sharleen Cooper Cohen
B'way Producer-best-selling author​
"On O Freedom! (presentation & film): "You are quite amazing as a singer and actress! The film is beautifully done!"
-Barbara Bauer, Reporter Post Newspapers & Director, Four Seasons Concerts, Bay Area
"It was my pleasure to witness your performance [Los Angeles]...I am also a one-woman show performer with African-AM. history as content... Thank you for a clear, focused, in-depth, compelling view of Mary Pleasant."
- Maisha Hazzard
Historical Enactor/Los Angeles
"I want to mention again how much I enjoyed your presentation. I hope I donˆt sound like a broken record, but your presentation and telling of the tale made her story quite memorable and exciting!"
- Rochelle Shaposhnick
VZS Films, LA (CA)
Here's what noted historians had to say when they certified Susheel and her research for inclusion in the California Council for the Humanities "History Alive!" program.
"Your research is extraordinary"
Shirley Ann Moore PhD.
California State Univ., emeritus, Sacramento
"Captivating, spellbinding presentation... Bibbs has done an amazing yeoman's job of historical research! She is MEP "Bravo!"
- Rick Moss, Ph.D.
Los Angeles' Afro-American Museum, emeritus
"This should be a model for those who aspire to do chautuaqua."
- Dr. Hundley, Historian, UCLA​
"Your chautauqua presentation was outstanding, and it was obvious that you have, indeed, researched Ms. Pleasant's background and significant historical contributions a great deal. I believe we all came away with increased sensitivity for this important person in our State's past as well as her impact on the present and future. It also served to clear up some misconceptions about Mary Ellen Pleasant in the minds of some who were fortunate to observe your performance. The preparation, both physical and mental, that goes into such a performance certainly must require a tremendous commitment on your part. But the result was so gratifying, and attests to your talents, as well as your knowledge of this remarkable woman."
- Robert Elsner, Executive Director
California Sesquicentennial
"Last evening I went with high spirits, and I carried the emotional and intellectual rewards emanating from your wonderful chautauqua on Mary Ellen Pleasant. The extraordinary care, scholarship, preparation, and talent that you have invested in this presentation are evident and a great gift to those fortunate enough to see you perform. Personally and as a member of the CA Humanities Council, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to appear at the Huntington Library."
- Christine Sisley, Exec. Director
Parsons Foundation (LA Chautauqua,
Huntington Library)
About Touring Presentations
NANM conference, 7/17, 1:15pm
Sheraton Grand, LA​
Touring Presentations
​ What's available:
=One-woman enactments (chautauquas), a musical,
and films in Pleasant's own words: and more​​​​
To book a presentation,
contact -- M.E.P. Productions
Ask about needs, dates,and pricing
Screenings --3 Award-winning films:
Meet Mary Pleasant (57 min, Amazon Prime video)
The Legacy of Mary Ellen Pleasant (26 min - private)
O Freedom! (50 mins) rousing one-person musical on Pleasant (private)
Susheel Bibbs portrays Pleasant in these films. Versions have won international awards and screenings on PBS. They combine research, Pleasant's own (long-lost) words, montage, enactments, interviews, archival photos, archival footage, and interviews.
= Meet Mary Pleasant A one-woman enactment (chautauqua) with unaccompanied quotes from the songs of Pleasant's day. It is designed for adults and/or family audiences. It can have three parts -- Bibbs, in character as Pleasant tells her life story, The character answers questions from the audience about her story, and the scholar (Susheel) answers questions on Pleasant.
It's participatory history!
The chautauqua is very transportable
= O Freedom! A musical version (involving other artists) can be booked. It adds period visuals, live drumming, song, and theatrical lighting to an already inspiring work.
​A version of this show without a stage on film is available with live singing and interaction with Susheel
Talk-show format
Designed for teens or general audience, it presents the chautauqua in TV talk-show form, using a host-storyteller, a question/answer format, video, slides,and music. Guests on the show are Bibbs as Pleasant and Bibbs as herself -- the Pleasant scholar! In between there can be live drumming or storytelling!​